Installation Services

Installation services provided by POS AŞ can be grouped under three main headings:  software installation and configuration services, hardware installation services and store opening support services

Software installation and configuration services cover installation of POS applications, configuration of parameters and system tests.

Hardware installation and activation services involve the physical installation of the server, cash register and peripherals located in the store automation structure in areas where they will be used continuously in the store.

The store opening support service is an optional service provided to assist store personnel in technical issues, to respond immediately to problems that may arise and to ensure the continuity of the system, and its duration is determined according to the customer structure and needs.

All the above-mentioned establishment services are provided by experienced system experts and authorized field technicians in accordance with the dates specified in the project plan.

You can reach the POS Help Desk between 08:30 and 23:30, 365 days a year.

POS Help Desk