Complaints and Suggestions

Şikayet Formu EN
At POS Perakende Otomasyon Sistemleri Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş., we attach great importance to the protection of personal data. We process and store the personal data you enter on our web page on the POS A.Ş. Mail environments in order to track your requests and complaints and provide feedback.
Your personal data collected to this end is processed/used solely for the purposes mentioned above. We do not process your personal data for purposes other than the aforementioned and do not disclose it to any other parties except for the said company.  
In the event that there are no grounds that require processing your personal data, your personal data is removed, destructed or anonymized by our Company in accordance with the relevant regulations.
To this end, your rights stipulated in Article 11 of Law on the Protection of Personal Data are specified in Article 18 of our Company’s Policy on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy Policy, which is available on our website at Please do not hesitate to send your requests in this regard, by means of the method mentioned in the Policy.
Kind regards,

You can reach the POS Help Desk between 08:30 and 23:30, 365 days a year.

POS Help Desk