GeniusOpen is a new generation point of sale application developed by POS AŞ.
As with previous generation of Genius products, GeniusOpen is your biggest assistant at the point of sale, which has the basic features of the retail industry.
The new and superior technology of GeniusOpen meets all your software needs and leaves no need for another front office application platform in your store. In addition to its basic sales features and advanced campaign features, the central management infrastructure that reduces business costs in stores and increases security introduces you to advanced campaign management and many other new technologies.
Designed for retailers of all sizes and operating in different sectors, GeniusOpen allows you to protect your investment while growing your business.
With its Java-based architecture and rich functions provided by its special design, GeniusOpen works at the point of sale of retailers in different sectors with its basic sales functions, hundreds of specials such as campaign, promotion, coupon, document search engine, automatic return and change, customer management, loyalty card score, gift card it not only increase the efficiency of your point of sale with the function, but also manages the store operations and improves the shopping experience of your customers with its features such as virtual product, home delivery, collection, mobile payment, e-archive / e-invoice / e-dispatch support.
GeniusOpen provides a safer platform with wide store, cashier and cashier-based authorization. Thanks to the customizable screens, only the required functions are placed on the screen and most operations/calculations can be made automatically by the system, minimizing errors.
Thanks to the GeniusOpen central management feature, retailers have the opportunity to monitor all their locations from the center and make quick and accurate decisions based on location.
With GeniusOpen, your store staff allocates more time to your customers thanks to processes most of which can be done automatically and remotely.
With its advanced campaign management, interactive and automatic sales functions, it enables you to control your efficiency and profitability while increasing customer satisfaction towards your business.
Thanks to the visual and guiding sales screens of GeniusOpen, the cashiers’ successful use of the system increases and adapts faster.
GeniusOpen combines the advantages of new technologies with multi-channel retailing applications. It allows the retailer to make flexible, immediate and competitive decisions in different channels (mobile, e-commerce, store).
Designed for retailers of all sizes operating in different industries, GeniusOpen allows you to protect your investment while your business grows.
Thanks to the campaign feature of GeniusOpen, you can increase customer loyalty and create brand loyalty by offering personalized options to the customer. With the campaign wizard, which enables you to easily design and manage the most complex campaigns, it provides the opportunity to define both winning and spending campaigns separately. With Auto Return, the return of campaign sales becomes easier. GeniusOpen ensures customer satisfaction by choosing the best campaign for the customer in overlapping campaigns.
Reliable, bi-directional data flow between the center, the store and the safe can be configured according to your infrastructure and needs. Thus, all definitions and changes made from the center are transferred to the stores and cash registers instantly. Data on all transactions performed in stores and safes are automatically collected at the center.
GeniusOpen’s flexible and parametric campaign structure, functions and features such as tickets, gift cards, mobile payments, virtual product sales, online orders make returning processes more complicated.
This makes the return processes for externally added campaign and promotions becomes more difficult and the reconciliation processes of the retailers harder, and can cause the return errors.
The automatic return structure of GeniusOpen evaluates all advantages earned and used during the return process, automatically calculates and performs online. Thanks to this feature, losses that may arise from returns are eliminated.
The fact that GeniusOpen has touch screen and keyboard usage feature allows the retailer to use Toshiba POS equipment in different configurations at the point of sale in its business.
With Toshiba Next Generation Payment Recorder (YNÖKC), voucher / invoice / information voucher / e-archive / e-invoice can be issued. It can also be used with Toshiba TCx printers by editing e-archive / e-invoice.
It supports your digital signage applications thanks to the support of the secondary LCD or touch customer screen, which can be installed in addition to the LCD or touch cashier screen located at the Toshiba Point of Sale terminals.